CCGA Resources Annual Spring Distribution & Workshop April 8th

On a delightful, sunny morning, a day to open windows and let fresh air in, a welcome spring day after several days of rain, the GGCA Resources committee held its Annual Spring distribution April 8th. The morning began with a talk by Val Kehoe, Horticulture Coordinator for University of Illinois Extension – Urbana-Champaign. Val gave a talk about hardy plants for hardy soils here in Chicago. From annuals, both winter and summer, to biennials and through perennials, both creeping and simple, Val gave a thorough explanation of each with pros and cons for community gardeners. Her slide show was packed with engaging pieces of information, graphics and photos that illustrated every point she made. It was a terrific showcase to come before a distribution of flowering plants; it made everyone want to know more about these kinds of plants. The most seasoned gardener learned something new, and every gardener came away with a better understanding of what it is we do out there in our gardens and how to do it better. People really warmed up to Val and freely shared their gardening experience, others asked questions to confirm so much new knowledge, and many sought her out after the presentation. University of Illinois extension prepares excellent handouts for gardeners, and not one remained as folks left.
The distribution that followed served up 2500 bedding plants that went home with 88 registered participants! Resources Committee grew 1500 plants throughout months before the distribution and obtained 1000 from the Chicago Flower and Garden Show. Tables in the room were arrayed with door prizes–an assortment of potted coleus, more plants and shrubs, and gardening books. A table of free seed packets completed the attractive display that is always guaranteed by CCGA Resources and brings many gardeners to their events.
Download the U of Ill. Extension Plants 101 handout from the workshop here.
Download the U of Ill. Extension Succession Planting Guide handout from the workshop here.
Download the U of Ill. Extension Veggies & Flowers Planting Date handout from the workshop here.
Also, two other useful U of Ill. Extension documents are:
Pocket Pollinators
Annuals and Perennials