Report of Resources May 6th Veggie/Herb Distribution

It wasn’t hard to gauge the level of interest and commitment to gardening in Chicago Saturday, May 6, as representatives from about 105 community gardens from all over the city gathered for CCGA’s mostly veggie distribution. With over 6000 seedlings grown by the Resources Committee, every surface in the courtyard at the Green Tech Center held pots of seedlings, under tables and all around the tables were more flats and trays of material. Aside from the registered for parcels of veggies and blooming things that drew gardeners, there were small pots of savoy cabbage, eggplant, broccoli, kale, and quite a few potted herbs free to everyone. The Resources Committee also salvaged, stored, and potted canna tubers from last summer, offering substantial plants for a bargain $2 each. Everyone was excited, and best of all, many were overheard sharing stories of “what works” with all the plants and herbs on display. A few good recipes and favored preparation methods were shared among those cooking with herbs for the first time and those with kitchen experience.
We can count on the Resources Committee to create this welcome space and gather so many more people than just the garden representative for their own community garden; there were friends and fellow gardeners who came and helped carry or cart flats, boxes and bags of vegetables, shallots, flowering plants, herbs, colorful pots, and cannas. The colors of the bright pots from Lowe’s company dazzled us, and we know the pots all found a good home with CCGA community gardeners.
Happy gardening to all participants, who by now have the many tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, herbs and blooming plants in the ground or ready to set out soon.
Please note that all money collected goes toward more CCGA Resources distributions in the future.