Presentations for CCGA’s 8th Annual Conference have been selected. Twelve of them!

Our 2020 conference, with the theme “Connections through Gardening: Plants, People and the Environment,” aims to explore and celebrate the interconnectedness of our shared garden work and to foster relationships and conversations that shape and support best practices for sustainable living and growing in Chicago.
Community gardens are increasingly seen as a viable means of promoting restoration, transformation, and conservation of often abandoned or under used property in the city. They have become a powerful tool for promoting good nutrition, physical activity, environmental stewardship, and social connections.
You will be eager to register for these twelve presentations. Our registration page will be up soon, so check back mid-week next week. At the 2020 spring confeence there will again be two morning sessions, and new panel discussions in workshop format, AND this year we are extending the sessions to 75 minutes. More time for the hands-on activities and more time for questions and answers. Coffee service will remain available after the continental breakfast, so you can take advantage of the break between sessions and easily take in all this conference has to offer.