Announcing the CCGA 8th Annual Virtual Conference on March 20, 2021! Request for Proposals

We’ve all experienced a deeply challenging year that has tested our resilience and strengthened our connections beyond measure. This year our gardens flourished despite lockdowns, and with guidelines, served as vital resources in our communities for good nutrition, physical activity, social connections, and environmental stewardship amidst the pandemic.
As we move forward into 2021, we are happy to announce that our annual conference will be going virtual! Save the date – March 20, 2021 – for a lively and informative day of presentations, networking, and connections, all from the comfort of your home.
The conference theme “Connections through Gardening: Plants, People and the Environment,” builds on our foundation for the 2020 conference, and aims to explore and celebrate the interconnectedness of our shared garden work. Our virtual platform will create a unique space for gardeners to get inspired, connect, and have conversations that shape and support best practices for sustainable living and growing in Chicago.
Registration will open in February. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more details! Follow CCGA on Facebook and our website to stay up to date.
Become a presenter: Proposals are due January 22, 2021
We’re excited about the possibilities invited by a virtual conference platform. If you have a presentation idea, we’d love to hear from you! We seek presentations that provide engaging and informative content for both seasoned and new gardeners, inspiring and supporting their love of gardening. Beyond this, presentations should challenge gardeners to cultivate sustainable relationships and practices with plants, soil, and people that contribute to the well-being of their gardens, communities and the environment.
Access the Request for Proposals (RFP) via the link below. The deadline for submission is Friday, January 22, 2021. If you have any questions, email
Join the conference planning team
We need your help! Share some of your time, your thoughts, and your skills to support our growing network of Chicago community gardeners and help create an inspiring virtual conference!
Our next CCGA coordinating meeting is Tuesday January 19, 2021 at 6pm on Zoom and will be focused on conference planning.
To find out more and get involved, send an email to The CCGA coordinating committee meetings are held monthly, typically on the 3rd Tuesday. During conference planning in January-March, working groups meet more often as needed.