Technical Assistance Program Available for Hydrant Access Permit

Most community gardeners have been challenged by water access issues at some point and now there is a new opportunity to access city water with a special Hydrant Access Permit.
AUA & NeighborSpace have led the way in coordination and input to the Department of Water Management’s 2021 hydrant use permit process. It is now much easier for community gardens and urban farms to access water.
Some important points about the permit:
- your garden does NOT have to be a non-profit to apply for a permit;
- Incidental sales from community gardens is allowed;
- RPZ valves need to only be recertified once a year;
- rates are still low for community gardens, $117.81/year if under 3,000 sq ft;
- the recommended time to apply is from February 22 through March 22, 2021;
A new technical assistance program has been developed to help you navigate the application process to include financial assistance. Some highlights of the program are:
- general help navigating the application process and with site visits by the Water Department;
- help with acquisition of equipment needed: RPZ valve, caps, keys etc..;
- legal support to help with the new Hydrant Water Use Agreement document;
- assistance in acquiring the appropriate general liability insurance;
For all the information and details about the technical assistance program in navigating the 2021permit requirements, please use the main portal that AUA has set up HERE.
The assistance program has been crafted with input from AUA (Advocates for Urban Agriculture), NeighborSpace, Chicago Food Policy Action Council, Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, Food Navigator Project and Grow Greater Englewood.