For Earth Day (or any day) – Make a Seed Bomb!

For Earth Day (or any day) – Make a Seed Bomb!

We’ve been staying indoors to stay safe, children are learning remotely, and any space feels smaller and too familiar when it’s the only space we can occupy. Here’s an indoor garden activity to spark some creativity and make you think beyond the four walls.  Make…

New Community Gardening Forum!

New Community Gardening Forum!

We are announcing the launch of the CCGA Community Gardening Forum just in time for the growing season. So, if you have questions about how to start seeds, where to find a plot in a garden or a brilliant idea to share, that is what…

An April Seed Distribution is Taking Place!

An April Seed Distribution is Taking Place!

The CCGA Resources Committee is holding a COVID-safe seed distribution. Simply email May Toy with your seed ‘wish-list‘ and a package of seeds will be assembled and available for a contact-less pickup. May’s email is: Full details on the seed distribution are below.

Guidelines for Chicago’s Community Gardeners Amidst COVID-19

Guidelines for Chicago’s Community Gardeners Amidst COVID-19

We all have been wondering about how to best interact with our community gardens during a stay-at-home order. We know that when we shelter in place, we are doing what’s best for our communities and fellow Chicagoans. We strongly encourage everyone to stay home to…

CCGA 8th Annual Conference: POSTPONED

CCGA 8th Annual Conference: POSTPONED

In light of the changing situation around COVID-19, we are postponing our 8th Annual Conference scheduled for March 21, 2020. We are supporting the guidance of Mayor Lightfoot and the Chicago Department of Public Health in doing all we can to minimize the impact of…

So many seeds! Another  successful Resources event on March 7

So many seeds! Another successful Resources event on March 7

Over the winter, the CCGA Resources Committee was the recipient of many, many herb, flower, and vegetable seed packets from reputable seed companies known for providing fresh, non-GMO seeds. They have been generously grouping packets and donating these to seed libraries and distributing them at…

Now we know more about how Chicago’s community gardens impact community health

Now we know more about how Chicago’s community gardens impact community health

Two recent reports produced from surveys of Chicago community gardens conducted by a research team from DePaul University and NeighborSpace are densely filled with data, tables, charts, and maps, but they fit like hand in glove with some of the presentations at our conference. The…

Upcoming CCGA Resources Committee Events

Upcoming CCGA Resources Committee Events

Indoor Plant Distribution on February 22 The Resources Team has been propagating house plants like crazy, and has taken cuttings for community gardeners. There will be a variety of plants available, and many can filter indoor air effectively. Pothos, with its heart-shaped leaves, is one…

8th Annual CCGA Gardeners Conference – Saturday March 21, 2020

8th Annual CCGA Gardeners Conference – Saturday March 21, 2020

Our 2020 conference, will be on Saturday, March 21 at light-filled Whitney M. Young Magnet High School on the near west side. This years’ conference promises to be an inspiring day filled with workshops, networking, exhibitors, good food and friends! Update: All conference details are…

Presentations for CCGA’s 8th Annual Conference have been selected. Twelve of them!

Presentations for CCGA’s 8th Annual Conference have been selected. Twelve of them!

Our 2020 conference, with the theme “Connections through Gardening: Plants, People and the Environment,” aims to explore and celebrate the interconnectedness of our shared garden work and to foster relationships and conversations that shape and support best practices for sustainable living and growing in Chicago.…