A Tribute to Julie Samuels

A Tribute to Julie Samuels

It was with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we learned of the death of our colleague and friend Julie Samuels (1944-2024). Her family sent word to us of a Celebration of Life that was held August 31 in Oak Park. All of us who…

Find a Seed Swap Near You 2025

Find a Seed Swap Near You 2025

U of I Extension Cook County created this map to help you locate a seed swap. To add your swap to the list please email sbatka@illinois.edu To see the interactive map: go.illinois.edu/SeedSwaps Thanks to Sarah Batka from U of I Extension for compiling and providing…

Chicago Tribune investigation: MWRD failed to warn gardeners free sludge contains toxic PFAs

Chicago Tribune investigation: MWRD failed to warn gardeners free sludge contains toxic PFAs

We encourage all gardeners and growers to read Michael Hawthorn’s investigation into dangerous PFAs (https://www.epa.gov/pfas) found in biosolids in MWRD’s free EQ compost. It is imperative that every gardener understand the dangers of PFAs in our soil and compost as referenced in his Tribune article:…

Help Craft Chicago’s 2022 Climate Action Plan

Help Craft Chicago’s 2022 Climate Action Plan

Fellow gardeners – make the time to have your voice heard. Participate by taking the survey for the Chicago 2022 Climate Action Plan.   The survey has sections for: community health environmental justice renewable energy  Advocate for more gardens, more pollinators, more rain gardens, more biodiversity……

Grant Opportunity for Community Garden Projects

Grant Opportunity for Community Garden Projects

Brownberry Oroweat Organic Spring Planting Grant 2021 SeedMoney and the makers of Arnold/Brownberry/Oroweat Organic Breads are sponsoring a grant opportunity for community garden projects in Chicago to provide resources for public food gardens to thrive. You can learn more and apply here: https://bit.ly/spring-planting-grants-2021   Applications are…

Order Your Seeds Early This Year

Order Your Seeds Early This Year

Because of the increasing interest in growing/gardening related to the pandemic, seeds may be harder to come by this year. We wanted to let everyone know that some seed companies are restricting home orders this year. Both Baker Creek and Johnny’s have recently been limiting…

Technical Assistance Program Available for Hydrant Access Permit

Technical Assistance Program Available for Hydrant Access Permit

Most community gardeners have been challenged by water access issues at some point and now there is a new opportunity to access city water with a special Hydrant Access Permit.   AUA & NeighborSpace have led the way in coordination and input to the Department of…

Announcing the CCGA 8th Annual Virtual Conference on March 20, 2021! Request for Proposals

Announcing the CCGA 8th Annual Virtual Conference on March 20, 2021! Request for Proposals

We’ve all experienced a deeply challenging year that has tested our resilience and strengthened our connections beyond measure. This year our gardens flourished despite lockdowns, and with guidelines, served as vital resources in our communities for good nutrition, physical activity, social connections, and environmental stewardship…

CEGA Announces The 60 Second Garden Challenge

CEGA Announces The 60 Second Garden Challenge

The Chicago Excellence in Gardening Awards (CEGA) will be honoring gardens for a fourth year—though with a twist, thanks to COVID-19. The timing of the pandemic has made it impossible to ramp up the gardening competition in time to take advantage of the summer growing…

Guidelines for Chicago’s Community Gardeners Amidst COVID-19

Guidelines for Chicago’s Community Gardeners Amidst COVID-19

We all have been wondering about how to best interact with our community gardens during a stay-at-home order. We know that when we shelter in place, we are doing what’s best for our communities and fellow Chicagoans. We strongly encourage everyone to stay home to…