Welcome to the CCGA Community Gardening Forum!
The idea for this project grew out of feedback from gardeners at the 2018 conference. Thank you to everyone who encouraged this idea! This new tool is open to all and was created as a safe space to collaborate and share questions, knowledge, and ideas about community gardening in and around Chicago.
To join the forum, email your name and email address to: communications@chicagocommunitygardens.org. You should receive a welcome email within 24 hours and will then have full access to the forum to create and respond to posts.
Click HERE to go to the forum home page.
Forum Guidelines
Please post freely about topics that are focused on community gardening and gardening in general.
Do not post profane language, slander, lewd content, or solicitations.
Abuse of these guidelines may result in the removal of content and loss of forum membership. CCGA reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of content.
Please note that opinions expressed on the forum may not represent those of CCGA’s leadership team.
If you have any questions, send us an email at communications@chicagocommunitygardens.org