Sunday, May 7 from 12 to 3 or 4pm The Land in South Chicago 2888 East 94th St, Chicago IL 60617
What could be better than spending time in nature and tamales? Come visit The Land in South Chicago this Sunday, May 7th, from 12pm to 3 or 4ish, where Elijah and fellow gardeners will be giving away a few seedlings (lettuce, basil, tomatoes, tree saplings) and will lead us on a walk to learn about some of the natural medicinal gifts growing on The Land.
Learn about how this green space is cared for, from cutting overgrowth to mulching, to prepping the soil for growing vegetables. Stick around and enjoy homemade tamales, and network with like minded peeps! A few speakers may roll thru (bee keeper, herbalist, Tree Ambassador, chicken keeper) Feel free to bring a snack to share!!