Click on the link next to the bullet to download the document(s) below:
1-21-2017 Coordinating Meeting
2-18-2017 Coordinating Meeting
3-18-2017 Coordinating Meeting
4-25-2017 Coordinating Meeting
- agenda
- draft agenda for membership retreat
- 2017 CCGA final conference report…coming soon…
- meeting minutes
5-23-2017 Coordinating Meeting – CCGT
6-27-2017 Coordinating Meeting – CCGT
No July Meeting
8-18-2017 (Friday) Coordinating Meeting – Enlace Gardens, 4172 W. 25th Street, Chicago IL 60623 – Host: Maria Herrera, 6:30pm
9-19-2017 (Tuesday) Coordinating Meeting – Hermitage Street Garden, 5643 S. Hermitage, Chicago IL 60636 – Host: Cordia Pugh, 6pm
Saturday 9-30-2017 CCGA Planning Retreat
10-24-2017 Coordinating Meeting – CCGT