2015 Mini-Distributions

This year, the CCGA Resource Committee hosted four “Mini-Distributions” of plant material to community gardeners. “Mini-Distribution” is our title for an unanticipated donation of plant or other material that the Resource Committee wants to distribute to CCGA members as promptly as possible. Despite the necessarily short notice we gave of each of these events, dozens of gardeners turned out each time to pick up ornamental spring flowering plants (April), vegetable seedlings (May and August), and most recently a plant, shrub and tree distribution.

The Resources Committee especially wants to thank a fine private gardener from the Chicago area and Nick Michaud of Westover Farms for the material they provided for the most recent Mini-Distribution. Nick was so pleased with the response to the shrubs and trees he grew from cuttings or seeds that he hopes to grow more deciduous woody material for CCGA. If any CCGA members would be willing to host a Mini-Distribution next year, please contact Ellen Newcomer at ecnewcomer334@gmail.com