CCGA Resources & NeighborSpace Special Holiday Gathering & Plant Sale

CCGA Resources & NeighborSpace Special Holiday Gathering & Plant Sale

The lobby at CCGT was transformed into a bright winter market for this holiday plant sale on Saturday, Dec. 8.  A profusion of red bows on centerpieces, decorative wreaths, classic white Narcissus bulbs in vases, tables teeming with green plants, vases of fresh flowers, and rows of lemon cypress plants filled the room.  Besides the chance to pick up living green plant material at low prices, the festivity led browsers to fill wagons and cardboard trays with potted varieties, a vase of flowers, a charming little succulent, or more.  NeighborSpace shared the space for its Winter Open House. A  festive table was set with red sprinkled cookies and cider or coffee while a fire outside drew people to roast marshmallows and warm fingers.

Some gathered for a  classroom sing along. A selection of packets of colorful fall bulbs was free to all; donated by De Vroomen. If all this didn’t create a cheery winter atmosphere, there was more. The aromas of Mexican food led many to refuel with a spread of taco fixings, rice and beans and of course, chips and salsa.