CCGA Coordinating Meeting – Saturday December 10th 2016 at 10:00am at CCGT Offices

Please join us at 10:00am Saturday December 10th at the Chicago Center for Green Technology at 445 N. Sacramento Blvd. The meeting AGENDA includes: CCGA Working Team reports and preliminary work-shop planning for the 2017 CCGA Annual Conference.   We’ll meet on the 2nd floor…

‘Last Call’ Tropical Plant Distribution

Friday November 11th the CCGA held a new kind of distribution, making tropical plants available to any interested community gardener for a small fee, just $5 per person. It was our one and only “Last Call” signaled not by flashing lights at Symphony Hall, or…

CCGA Coordinating Meeting – Saturday November 12th 2016 9:00am at Bethel Terrace Senior Residence

Please join us at 9:00am Saturday, November 12th, 2016 at the Bethel Terrace Senior Residence located at 900 W. 63rd Parkway. The meeting agenda includes: CCGA committee reports and update planning for the 2017 CCGA Annual Conference.  Bring a snack or drink to share if you can.…

4,800 Bulbs Distributed to Community Gardens in Final Distribution of 2016

Combining history and horticulture, the CCGA held its final plant distribution of the year on October 15 in the Garfield Park Conservatory’s Jensen Room. We were greeted on Saturday morning not with rain and soggy fields, but with beautiful – and dry – flowering bulbs! The…

Final CCGA Perennial Distribution for 2016 A Big Success!

On Friday September 30, CCGA volunteers showed up early in the morning at New Horizons Community Garden to prepare for the CCGA Resource Committee’s final Perennial Distribution of the year. Scott Byron’s (really) long truck arrived at 8:30, and was bursting with a multitude of pots of donated plants in seemingly endless…

CCGA Bulb Distribution_ Saturday, October 15, 2016

The 2016 CCGA BULB DISTRIBUTION! The CCGA Resources Committee will hold its annual bulb distribution on Saturday, October 15, 2016. We hope you will come and get a nice sampling of bulbs to plant now for beautiful spring flowers. Here are the details: When:  …

The Perfect Garden Workday

Sunday September 18, Mamie Grey, LaVerne Morris and Ellen Newcomer from the CCGA Resources committee met a group of ten high school students from different Chicago-area high schools. All of them participating in a service club started by a very promising high school student named…

Rush University Medical Center Makes Large Perennial Donation to CCGA

Thanks to the efforts of one of CCGA’s most able and knowledgeable community gardeners, May Toy, the CCGA Resources Committee received permission from Rush Hospital to dig out large, drought-resistant perennials from a Rush site earlier this month.  For six hot hours on each of…

Big Turnout at CCGA’s Second 2016 Perennial Distribution!

Despite the hot, muggy and threatening weather, representatives from 84 community gardens came to the CCGA Resources Committee’s Second 2016 Perennial Distribution at New Horizons Garden!  Each community garden representative received over thirty plants.  Elite Growers again provided over 2600 perennials (prominent among them were …

North Lawndale Youth Will Travel To White House To Accept Environmental Award

North Lawndale Youth Will Travel To White House To Accept Environmental Award Children from Chicago Youth Centers’ ABC Polk Bros. Youth Center to be recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency for their community garden. CHICAGO, Aug. 2, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On August 15, six members of Chicago Youth…