plants grouped for Sept 2023 perennial distribution
plant groups for Sept 2023 perennial distribution
Houseplant and Coleus Sale 3/19/22
Houseplant and Coleus Sale 3/19/22
Houseplant and Coleus Sale 3/19/22
Houseplant and Coleus Sale 3/19/22
Houseplant and Coleus Sale 3/19/22
typical allotment of plants
lots of tools and equipment donated by Chicago Cares
the scene at New Horizons
loading cars with plants
rows of plants
CCGA at work!
Laverne at the sign-in table
CCGA Resources Committee picked up more plants for community gardens! Distribution on Friday; hope you got there in time. We recognize May Toy and Pat Hart behind those masks and a mystery person yet to be identified who helped collect and sort these veggies for distribution.
ig perennial distribution by the Resources Committee today! A few of the many volunteers pose with Elite Growers’ driver to celebrate emptying the truck. A huge thanks goes out to these volunteers. Usually Resources has teams of people, teens in youth groups, and no lack of volunteers. COVID19 makes this impossible, but this crew did the work of many more. Thank you just doesn’t say enough, they unloaded 1600 plants!!!!
For the first of its 2020 Summer Perennial Distributions, the Resources Committee distributed over 1600 plants from Elite Growers to almost 60 community gardens today. No wonder Community Gardeners love CCGA Resources for organizing, sorting, and grouping these plants to get into our gardens.
o rest today, Sunday or not! Resources picked up two more carloads of plants today. They’ll be on sale at very modest prices this coming Friday at New Horizons Garden (right next to the plant distribution, same day and time). Friday July 17 at 11:00am
Ready to plant! Torian leaving the most recent Resources Committee Mini Distribution with her selections. A big thank you to the Clovers Garden Centers and Gethsemane for wonderful donations of vegetable and herb plants.
Plant angels keep appearing! As the Resources Committee was setting up the distribution last week, Paris (a 16-year veteran employee of the Chicago Park District) stopped by with a donation from the Chicago Park District! Thanks, Paris!
Sold out! CCGA Resources Committee sold all the cannas they had carefully dug up and stored over the winter. Barb Dennis from the Resources team is seen here checking the pots and cannas earlier today.
A photo of some of the great volunteers who helped at today’s Resources Committee plant distribution. Thanks to them, we sorted and distributed about 1600+ plants donated by Elite Growers. Thanks all around to everyone for making this another successful contactless distribution.
Quinoa from Matthew Frazel
CCGA Resources also received a large donation of easily 100 plants from gardener Victoria Konold to add to the plant distribution Saturday. This donation includes Purple New England Asters, Rudbeckia ‘Goldilocks’, Rudbeckia ‘Prairie Sun’, Godlen Feverfew (single flowers not doubles), Salvia Queen Mix (pink and purple) Hyssops: Anise, Navajo Sunset, Rose mint, and Arcado Pink.
Helpers at May 11, 2019 Distribution
Unloading plants for the May 11, 2019 Distribution
a happy Barb and Melissa after getting some nice plants
action at the herb table
some of the many flats of plants grown for gardens by CCGA