Tag: Home to Roost Urban Chicken Consultants

Chicken Keeping Classes at the Garfield Park Conservatory

Garfield Park Conservatory Alliance is  hosting a series of chicken care classes taught by Jennifer Murtoff of Home to Roost LLC at Garfield Park Conservatory this spring, summer and fall. The series goes through the basics of keeping chickens in the city and into the details…

Urban Chicken Health Care

Urban Chicken Health Care

Developed and taught by Home to Roost Urban Chicken Consultant Jen Murtoff, the workshop will cover prevention, basic troubleshooting, and care for common chicken health issues and injuries. Please note that this is an advanced workshop for chicken keepers who are already experienced in basic…

Basic Backyard Chicken Care

Basic Backyard Chicken Care

Offered by Angelic Organics Learning Center and taught by Home to Roost Urban Chicken Consultant Jen Murtoff, who calls it “the Cadillac of backyard chicken workshops.” Registration

Bok bok buh-go to these great chicken workshops

Bok bok buh-go to these great chicken workshops

This November, Angelic Organics Learning Center is holding three workshops on urban chicken care, two of them taught by Jennifer Murtoff, the Midwest’s only urban chicken consultant. Details below. Basic Backyard Chicken Care – November 8th ‎Chicken Butchery – November 9th Urban Chicken Health Care…