2018 CCGA Mini-Workshop SignUp

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2018 CCGA Conference Mini-Session Sign Up

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Hello and thank you for your interest in our new mini-sessions at the CCGA conference!
Introducing 'Speed Gardening' Mini-Sessions!
After lunch, we're hosting a new event we've called "speed gardening." We invite you, the gardening community, to claim a table to present your own mini-session or hands-on activity to share with other gardeners!

Each presenter will have a table with room for 2 to 4 gardeners to join each presentation. After 15 minutes, gardeners will move to the next table. Here are the rules:

1. your activity must be no longer than 15 minutes;

2. it must be safe for all involved;

3. submit a short description or proposal below by February 19.

If you have any questions please email Bea Jasper at:   bejstst@yahoo.com
Contact Name: *
Your answer
Daytime Phone: *
Your answer
Email: *
Your answer
Please tell us about your min-session idea:
Your answer
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