2018 CCGA Conference Volunteer SignUp

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2018 CCGA Conference Volunteer Sign Up

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Hello and thank you for your interest in volunteering at the CCGA conference!
Here is what you will need to know:
1. We need approximately 25 volunteers to assist with one or more positions;

2.  The event venue is Kennedy-King College,
740 West 63rd Street, Building U, Chicago, Illinois, 60621;

3. A 2-Hour Orientation Session is required with two dates listed below; select the date that works best for you:

Saturday, February 17, 2018, 2:30pm-4:30pm;
Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 6:30pm-8:30pm.

4.  All Volunteers will receive the Continental Breakfast; however, if a Volunteer wishes to attend the Conference, we offer:

$5.00 discount from general registration which include workshops and lunch, or
$15.00 lunch only (workshops not included).

5.  If you want to attend the workshops you must register when main registration opens on 2/6/2018.

Looking forward to working with you and thank you.

Gina Jamison

Questions? Contact Gina Jamison via email: vol4conf@chicagocommunitygardens.org
Contact Name: *
Your answer
Daytime Phone: *
Your answer
Email: *
Your answer
Please tell us about any special needs or questions here:
Your answer
Select Orientation Session *
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