Catching up better late than never with Chef Fresh

Catching up better late than never with Chef  Fresh


August 3rd, saw Chef Fresh, who may be the most creative person CCGA has ever seen in a “kitchen classroom” create an hour or two of culinary magic with a pasta making workshop. CCGA Education Committee and Chef created a kitchen out of space at the Chicago Center for Green Tech. Chef Fresh reported that she had a blast doing this workshop, and from the photos this all-in, all hands-on workshop was a blast for everyone. Shulamis, from the Chicago Bread Club, brought the Chicago Bread Club Community Mockmill to prepare locally, fresh stone milled flour for the pasta! We milled local durum wheat from Meuer Farm in Chilton, WI., and culinary magic was definitely in the air along with a lot of gluten. Pasta was made amd three different sauces were prepared on site for the pasta. Everything were consumed with gusto.